Benchmark On Dell 2950

2950 basic specification

Chassis Model              : PowerEdge 2950
    Processor Brand            : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5335  @ 2.00GHz
   Processor Version          : Model 15 Stepping 11
Memory : 16GB 
   Memory Speed: 667 MHz 
   Scientific Linux CERN SLC release 4.5 (Beryllium)
   Kernel version: 2.6.20-20UL3smp
Raid controller
Name       : PERC 5/E Adapter (replaced with PERC 6/E now)
Version    : 5.1.1-0040
Shelf: 4 * MD1000   ,each has 15 SATAII disks'
PCI slot1: PCI4X
PCI slot2 : PCI8X

Benchmark tool: 
Raid configuration tool:
Soft Raid:


1. PCIX4 vs PCIX8

basic setup
raid 50  on controller 1 or 2 with two shelves (30 disks)
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                              


basic setup
p5 2r50  2 perc5E, each hosts a r50 over 30disks                  
p6 2r50  2 perc6E, each hosts a r50 over 30disks                  
p6 2r60  2 perc6E, each hosts a r60 over 30disks   
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                                 

3. write and read policies

basic setup
raid 50  on controller 1 or 2 with two shelves (30 disks)
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

4. stripe size 64KB vs 128KB

basic setup
raid 50  on 1 raid controller 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

5. raid 0 with numbers of disks

basic setup
raid 0 on 1 raid controller
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

6. r0 vs r5 vs r50

basic setup
raid 0 /5/50  on 1 raid controller 
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

7. raid 5 15disks vs 30 disks

basic setup
raid 5 on 1 raid controller
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

8. r0(d15) vs sr0(d30) vs r0(d30)

basic setup
raid 0 on 1 raid controller
r0(15) raid 0 over 15 disks
r0(30) raid 0 over 30 disks
sr0(30) soft raid0 over 2 raid0 , each is over 15 disks
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

9. soft r0 over diff raid setup

basic setup
soft r0 over 4 r0 with stripe size =64KB
soft r0 over 4 r0 with stripe size =128KB
soft r0 over 4 r5
soft r0 with 2 r0
soft r0 with 2 r5
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

10. multiple threads IO

basic setup
4r5                   4 raid5 ,each has 15disks(perc5E)
2r5                   2 raid5, each has 30 disks(perc5E)
sr02r5              soft raid0 over 2 raid5, each has 30 disks(perc5E)
2r50                 2 raid50, each has 30 disks(perc5E)
sr02r50            soft raid0 over 2 raid50, each has 30 disks(perc5E)
p62r50              2 raid50, each has 30 disks, raid controllers are perc6E
p62r60              2 raid60, each has 30 disks, raid controllers are perc6E

stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

11. xfs external vs internal log device

basic setup
raid 50 on 2 raid controllers
stripe size =128kb 
read policy=ara write policy=wb
readahead size=10240 blocks                           

-- WenjingWu - 13 Mar 2008

  • 3.bmp: write and read policies

  • 5.bmp: r0 with different disks

  • 7.bmp: r5 (d15) vs r5(d30)

  • 8.bmp: r0(d15) vs sr0(d30) vs r0(d30)

  • 9.bmp: soft r0 over diff raid setup

  • 10.bmp: multi threads IOover diff raids

  • 11.bmp: multi threads IOover diff raids

  • 12.bmp: xfs external vs internal log device

  • 12.bmp: xfs external vs internal log device
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
12.bmpbmp 12.bmp manage 897 K 17 Mar 2008 - 15:00 WenjingWu xfs external vs internal log device
11.bmpbmp 11.bmp manage 890 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:48 WenjingWu multi threads IOover diff raids
10.bmpbmp 10.bmp manage 875 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:46 WenjingWu multi threads IOover diff raids
9.bmpbmp 9.bmp manage 882 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:44 WenjingWu soft r0 over diff raid setup
8.bmpbmp 8.bmp manage 882 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:43 WenjingWu r0(d15) vs sr0(d30) vs r0(d30)
7.bmpbmp 7.bmp manage 885 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:41 WenjingWu r5 (d15) vs r5(d30)
6.bmpbmp 6.bmp manage 889 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:38 WenjingWu r0 vs r5 vs r50
5.bmpbmp 5.bmp manage 874 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:34 WenjingWu r0 with different disks
4.bmpbmp 4.bmp manage 879 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:33 WenjingWu stripe size 64 vs 128
3.bmpbmp 3.bmp manage 873 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:31 WenjingWu write and read policies
2.bmpbmp 2.bmp manage 878 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:26 WenjingWu perc5 vs perc6
1.bmpbmp 1.bmp manage 876 K 13 Mar 2008 - 02:21 WenjingWu pcix4 vs pcix8
Topic revision: r23 - 09 May 2012, BenMeekhof
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