Backlinks to FreeBSD in AGLT2 Web (Search all webs)

Results from AGLT2 web retrieved at 08:12 (GMT)

* Md3460Benchmark * Md3260Benchmark * IOTestByIOZONE * BenchmarkOn2950 * Dell2950KernelTuning * TuningXFS * SolarisZFS Solaris 10 x86 on...
Installation, Setup, and Usage reference for Sun hardware and Solaris SolarisOnPE2950 Installation of Solaris 10 (08/07) on umfs11 SunX4540ConfigFreeBSD In...
Operational notes Setup zfs filesystems and quotas for users Mkdir as usual: mkdir /atlas/data19/bmeekhof chown bmeekhof:umatlas /atlas/data19/bmeekhof Set quota...
This is now obsolete thor01 now runs FreeBSD. See SunX4540ConfigFreeBSD. Zpool configuration Destroy existing pools (pool1 through pool4): zpool destroy pool1 T...
Info about actually using the 4540 is at SunX4540ConfigSolaris Migrating pre installed X4540 Solaris 10 to boot from flash drive NOTE: There's probably no need ...
Tests of ZFS on SunX4540 running FreeBSD 9.0 For setup notes see SunX4540ConfigFreeBSD For nearest comparison of similar system running Solaris see BenchmarkOnX4...
Number of topics: 6
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