Room/Site Infrastructure Monitoring at MSU

Liebert Air Handlers

The two Liebert System/3 Air Handler units have Intellislot Web / 485 cards.



Have each unit connected to the building network, using static campus only (35.15.) IPs. Have not verified that the cards hold config across a power cycle (they should, but have not tested) if they lose config they could come back with DHCP address and default password, which wouldn't be good.

You need to reinitialize the card to activate any changes made via web or console. Presumably this is true for SNMP writes as well.

Initial setup is done using a serial port. This is standard stuff. Netmask was with a gateway of X.X.X.1


Doesn't seem to do DNS or NTP. Set the time on the LCD panel. The timestamp on the webpage seems to be generated by the browser (client side)...

http, no https available. It is possible to disable the web interface from making config and control changes (use serial connection to re-enable), this might be a good option once devices are setup, if we don't want control via network.

Telnet, this provides same functionality as the serial port --- just configuration, no monitoring. Disabled telnet.

SNMP Version 1 (only?) access and traps.

For now, just querying over SNMP, but it would be good to be able to receive and process traps from these devices.

Have given an admin node read access. There are writable OIDs as well.

An example query:

=== rockwell@host ~ > snmpwalk -v 1 -c Community 35.X.X.X
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.476. = STRING: "Liebert Corporation"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.476. = STRING: "IntelliSlot Web/485 Card"


April 2010. Updated firmware on unit 1 from 3.120.6 to current release 3.120.7. Unit 2 already at this release. Updated via http.


-- TomRockwell - 30 Dec 2009

Topic revision: r5 - 17 Jun 2010, TomRockwell
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