Installing gssklog/gssklogd on our cluster We have user home spaces (including grid "group" accounts) in our AFS cell ( Currently any user tryi...
This page keeps a "shopping list" of needed equipment and parts as well as a reference for suppliers. Add items with a date. When items are purchased, please ma...
Oracle Upgrade from to Prior to installing the Rome muon calibration DB for replication we needed to update our Oracle installation. I received...
Useful PNFS/Chimera SQL Queries NOTE: This page assumes you are running Chimera/PNFS rather than the older PNFS from dCache 1.8.x or earlier. First query: Fix PN...
* SwitchAccess including how to find where a node is on the network * NodeConsoleAccess Including via KVM and IPMI/DRAC * NodePowerControl including PDUs an...
Network Testing and Debugging for AGLT2 During the last year we have seen many indications that all is not right with our network connections to BNL (and perhaps ...
Network Tuning and Testing On September 18, 2007 Dimitri Katramatos, Kunal Shroff and Shawn McKee tried to test and tune the following machines at BNL and Michiga...
The content below was copied from the OSG install Twiki page on June 5, 2006. This was done to allow us to use this Twiki to record install details for our OSG i...
Setting up Oracle on Linux The following documents the installation and setup of Oracle at the University of Michigan for use by the ATLAS Muon Calibration and Al...
Installing Updated Muon Calibration Schema New schema was made available in early February 2008. Since the changes were significant I totally removed the origin...
MSU OSG OSG site information and policy. Currently the MSU OSG site is 100% allocated to "SAMGrid" processing for the DZero Experiment. An SRM/dCache v2.2 SE is l...
Installation of NDT on See also Patrick McGuigan's page at NDTInstallation. Installation overview (more details below) 1. Applied the web100 ker...
for big three phase PDUs The rearmost PDU is 1. In these racks the rearmost PDU is inverted (its cord comes out the top). * place label like "MAC 00:00:00:00...
Nov 2008 T2 Hardware Things that can happen whenever: * configure PDUs power strips * install power cords to PDUs * label needed network cables * get ...
pe2950 Utility Node Install Have a pe2950 with 2x 250GB drive and 4x 750 GB drives. Want to set it up to support a variety of cluster services including running ...
Installation of OSG 0.6.0 on The installation procedure for OSG 0.6.0 on is below. It was installed on April 2nd, 2007. Please...
LFC SQL Queries Below are some potentially useful SQL queries to check the status of the LFC. These are my test queries and I don't guarantee they are correct ...
See also: * MSUDZeroOsgSE about the storage element * MSUDZeroOsgStartup Restarting the system * MSUDZeroOsgTests Testing the OSG site * MSUDZeroOsgJo...
MSU Hardware Catalog This page lists hardware at MSU. Subpages provide more details and link to hardware documentation. Rack View * WesternSciRack2005 The ra...
In ROCKS5 whole new scheme for user customization of partitioning. The annoyances with getting custom partitioning done in ROCKS4 seem to be gone we no longer ne...
Merging Existing Space Tokens When we setup space tokens for AGLT2 we assumed we needed a space token for each VO/Role that needed to be able to write to a space ...
ROCKS FAQs Introduction FAQs are divided into groups... Database management using ROCKS command Add an appliance This will add new entries in the membership an...
ROCKS Graphs Default graph in ROCKS52 Initial new AGL graph structure in ROCKS52 How To make them View on frontend web page (under "misc admin"), or... rocks lis...
Setting up ATLAS Area HOTDISK for AGLT2 As of mid September 2009 we need to provide a new space token area in Tiers of ATLAS call 'HOTDISK'. There are a few com...
Update Installer Kernel Warning this is a cludge. Darn seems to work fine with the r610 hardware, but on the existing pe1950s, hardisk doesn't get mounted for rei...
To manually add a node in Rocks v5.2 you only really need two commands provided that the appliance type already exists, you could check that it's in the list when...
ROCKS Installer This page is a description of how the ROCKS installer boots, how it requests the kickstart file for the node, how the server generates the kicksta...
Installing Follow the Install chapter of "Top Document" xCAT2top.pdf xCAT is installed with the command: yum install xCAT (There's some stuff to do before and aft...
Storage Element An SRM/dCache instance is added to the site as a grid accessible Storage Element. dCache is a very flexible package for combining multiple filesy...
Useful Rocks Links * Rocks v5.2 User Guide the User Guide... * Kickstart XML Reference Just remember that the "var" tag no longer works and that we use...
Well, I haven't actually done it, but here's the directions. Just reverse the architectures since we're running a x86_64 cluster and are going to be kickstarting ...
To build the rocks distribution (in /home/install/ or /export/rocks/install/): rocks create distro To have a node reinstall: rocks set host boot hostname action...
Client tools for Panda Analysis jobs Intro The panda client package contains following tools to submit/manage analysis jobs on PanDA. The following instructions...
Backing up and moving VMs If the VM is running you need to pull a snapshot and backup, otherwise the .vmdk may not be consistent. Spaces in VM names for some back...
Management of Dcache main services to maintain head01 : dcache core head02: postgresql pnfs dcache core pool nodes: dcache core dcache pool main configurati...
Cross Kickstarting in Rocks 4.3 So you want to cross Kickstart nodes that aren't the same architecture as your front end? Don't worry, rocks can do that, or it's ...
Directory /home/install/tools under SVN control. Directory /home/install/tools/bin intended for adding to PATH as desired. Main.TomRockwell 29 May 2009
Procedure for Installing or Upgrading dCache Servers Procedure for installing dCache servers. This is tested for use on the dCache storage nodes / gridftp doors....
Removing PNFS (Chimera) Ghosts There is the possibility that the chimera DB can become out of sync with the actual files stored on disk. The t_dirs table holds t...
Restarting the MSU OSG Grid How to restart the system after an outage. Bring Up and Check Services Cluster Services General cluster services are required, for in...
Background Info: Unexpected Power Loss on file servers During backup generator test on 12 may 09 at the MSU BPS bldg , most UPSs received an errant EPO (Emergenc...