Initial install of ATLAS 12.0.1 software kit (Bob, Ed, Shawn 18-Jul-06).

Follow instructions on InstallingAtlasSoftware, and DraftNewInstallForWB (which is more recent). ATLAS kits can be found at Production kits, but it seems that pacman handles the kit-finding by itself.

1. Install pacman

Log onto

kinit admin
cd /afs/

this is download link from

tar xzf pacman-latest.tar.gz
ln -s pacman-3.18.5 pacman   
cd pacman

2. Test if computer is ATLAS-ready.

cd /afs/
pacman -get am-CERN:Ready

Find out that we do not have the correct version of gcc (need 3.2.3 or 3.4.4). To avoid this problem log on to linat01 which has SLC3. Repeat test. Must first remove pacman log info

rm -rf o..pacman..o
pacman -get am-CERN:Ready

This works. Now do detailed test:

pacman -d cmp -l Ready

3. Athena Installation

First check what versions are available at BNL

pacman -lc am-BNL

This takes ~10 minutes to list all the releases. Now try a multi-install (multiple Athena versions).

pacman -get am-BNL:Multi+KV -allow tar-overwrite

This fails because AFS always reports that it has 8.6 GB (AFS default), and pacman wants 10 GB. (Really there is space on AFS, but AFS does not report true disk usage - pacman should be fixed). Install just 12.0.1 + Kit Validation so we do not need so much space:

pacman -get am-BNL:12.0.1+KV

After 25 minutes get error: failure to download AtlasOracle_current_noarch.tar.gz. Try command again. Fails. Bob reports that network has DNS problems so this may be the cause. Try again later on - pacman will start where it left off.

NEXT DAY 7/19/06 EdwardDiehl

Have been logged off overnight. Log onto linat01 (need SLC3), do kinit admin, aklog cd to kits subdirectory. Run the pacman script (otherwise system can't use pacman). Restart installation at 9:35 am with command:

pacman -get am-BNL:12.0.1+KV -allow tar-overwrite

This installs the kit seemingly, and then automatically installs and runs the 12.0.1 kit validation script. The script validation script passes all tests. Then pacman somehow noticed that we had tried to install the Multi kit and then died since it wanted 10 GB of space and AFS only reports 8.6 GB. We consult with Saul Youssef who suggests that we install an ATLAS mirror (so that we can be the source for ATLAS installations). We decide to do this.

ATLAS Mirror Installation

First we create an AFS volume called ATLAS.mirror and mount it at /afs/ We want the mirror in its own volume since this software won't change much, and therefore should be in a separate volume which does not need to be backed up very often.

Install the mirror with:

pacman -mirror ATLAS

This, however, does not work, because pacman wants to create directory ATLAS.mirror itself. Therefore, must do workaround of remounting the ATLAS.mirror volume as tmp; have pacman install into directory ATLAS.mirror which it creates; copy ATLAS.mirror into tmp; finally remove ATLAS.mirror and re-mount tmp at ATLAS.mirror.

This installs overnight. We then copy over the ATLAS.mirror to the tmp directory and re-name so that we get a separate ATLAS.mirror in an separate AFS volume. Then then configure a webserver for the mirror which is at URL:

Now do updates to the mirror as follows:

pacman -update-check ATLAS.mirror
pacman -lc ATLAS.mirror

These commands appear to work with out error. Now lets see if we can use the mirror to install Athena.

Installation from Michigan ATLAS Mirror

On linat01 from /afs/ do:

pacman -get

This seems to run the installation/validation successfully.

8/17/06 EdwardDiehl

Want to repeat the kit validation just to be careful, but cannot find any documentation on this, other than the command above which does both installation and validation.

Test Drive Athena

Try to use the installation. Follow web page UseAtlasSoftwareProjectsKit.

Install in /afs/

cd  /afs/
bash   => go into bash to run script
   => this creates requirements file, setup scripts in ~/cmthome
exit   => switch back to tcsh (my default)
cd ~/cmthome

edit requirements and change line: macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/testarea to: macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/MyTest to reflect my actual test area location.

Now configure for 12.0.1:

source setup.csh -tag=AtlasOffline,12.0.1
source /afs/

Now $CMTPATH looks sensible:



Now try out Athena by running HelloWorld options

cd ~/Mytest/AthenaOffline12.0.1/
mkdir run
cd run

This works.

Now try running some calibration code. First create pool file for a data file which I have:


This creates the pool file PoolFileCatalog.xml. Copy over the appropriate options file and run athena. It works! (well, did not really process enough events to do the calibration, but the program ran fine).

-- EdwardDiehl - 18 Jul 2006
Topic revision: r21 - 17 Aug 2006, EdwardDiehl
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