ATLAS Software
PLEASE READ FIRST: This is a guide to installing and using Atlas software of the Tier3. It is for reference for Administrators only. If you need a new release set up, contact
CharlieMueller. For instructions on how to use/set up Athena (as there are already many releases installed on the Tier3) refer to the
UsingAtlasSoftware. If there are problems, please refer to the
1. Installing Pacman
If you really need to install Pacman you can download it from
Pacman Headquarters. You should get a tar file called
You don't have to worry about having the right version of Python. If necessary, Pacman will build a local Python installation for you and tell you what to do.
Start with a clean shell without having sourced any ATLAS or CMT setup scripts previously (either explicitly or in your login scripts).
go to the directory you want to use (needs lots of disk space) and then do:
> tar -zxf pacman-latest.tar.gz
> cd pacman-*
> source [or .csh]
Check that Pacman is OK and what versions are available by doing:
> cd .. [or somewhere else]
> pacman -lc am-CERN
2. Installing the ATLAS Software
Create a directory to hold the release:
> mkdir 14.2.23
> cd 14.2.23
Note that this is an example using release 14.2.23, there are many others that are available. If you are unsure as to which release use the most stable/recent by checking here .
If you want to install the release with Kit Validation(recommended), do the following:
>pacman -allow tar-overwrite -get am-BNL:14.2.23+KV
This will take awhile, so be patient.
If the above does not apply, continue to follow these directions:
> pacman -get am-BNL:14.2.23
and answer questions like:
Do you want to add []
to [trusted.caches]? (y or n): y
WARNING: While unpacking the distribution archives, tar might find overlapping files from different packages. In this case, tar asks for an interactive confirmation of the overwrite, for each individual file. If you think you can safely overwrite the files, use the
pacman option
-allow tar-overwrite
> pacman -allow tar-overwrite -get am-BNL:14.2.23
Then eventually you should see something like:
> ls
CMT/ trusted.caches pacman/ AtlasSettings/
AtlasLogin/ sw/ DBRelease/ atlas/
project/ usr/ LCGCMT/ Gaudi/
AtlasCore/ AtlasConditions/ AtlasEvent/ AtlasReconstruction/
AtlasTrigger/ AtlasAnalysis/ geant4/ external/
AtlasSimulation/ AtlasProduction/ cmtsite/ AtlasOffline/
KV-14.2.23/ setup.csh o..pacman..o/
This procedure will test all pre-conditions so you don't have to worry about gcc, Python, Pacman versions, OS, processor, Unix shell, post-installation patches, etc. It also installs the database replica automatically. If something is wrong, you will get an error message.
To install the same release with kit validation, do the following instead.
> pacman -get am-BNL:14.2.23+KV
If you see any messages from the kit validation other than OK and PASSED there is a problem and you should seek help.
Note that the time taken for complete installation varies depending on factors such as your network bandwidth and how close you are to the chosen mirror. I can take up to a couple of hours. The AFS mirror can be very slow if you have a small cache.
% pacman -lc -d patch version
to check the status and contents of your installation and
% pacman -lc am-CERN
to check the status of any of the mirrors and to see what releases are currently available. If you have problems or comments, post something to the
3. Kit Validation
If you include +KV when you installed the kit it will be automatically validated.
You can also run
KitValidation after installing a release by this command:
> pacman -get am-BNL:KV-14.2.23
You should get something like this:
## Atlas Distribution Kit Validation Suite ##
## 29-04-2008 v1.9.16-1 ##
## ##
## Alessandro De Salvo ##
Testing AtlasProduction 14.2.0
athena executable [PASSED]
athena shared libs [PASSED]
Release shared libraries [PASSED]
Release Simple Checks [ OK ]
Athena Hello World [ OK ]
MooEvent compilation [ OK ]
DB Release consistency check [ OK ]
## AtlasProduction 14.2.0 Validation [ OK ]
Individual tests are PASSED/FAILED and if a group of tests all pass then it shows OK otherwise FAILED. You can compare your output with the results of the centrally run tests by going to the
Release Status Page, clicking on the relevant release in the Status column and then clicking on "Kit Validation results".
4. Setting up Athena
Setup two areas in your home directory by typing:
cd $HOME
mkdir cmthome
mkdir testarea
mkdir testarea/14.2.23
cd cmthome
then do
source /afs/
Now, create a file called requirements in your cmthome by doing:
vi [or emacs] requirements
and copy the following into the script.
set SITEROOT /msu/data/dzero/ATLAS/programs/athena-t3/${ATHENA_VERSION}
macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/testarea
apply_tag projectArea
apply_tag opt
apply_tag setup
apply_tag simpleTest
use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)
set CMTCONFIG i686-slc4-gcc34-opt
Now, create a script to source and make things easier by doing
cd ~/testarea/14.2.23
Using the editor of your choice, create a script named by doing
vi [or emacs]
and in the script should look like this
export ATHENA_VERSION=14.2.23 #export ATHENA_VERSION=[release]
source ~/cmthome/ -tag=${ATHENA_VERSION}
This will be easier and faster to source than the setup script in cmthome.
Now do:
cmt config
You will only have to follow these procedures once until the version of CMT changes.
Finally, create a directory for running jobs
mkdir testarea/[release]/runArea
Now, copy to your runArea by doing
cd ~/testarea/[release]/runArea
cp -r /home/muell149/old_testarea/14.2.20/runArea/ .
The more recent Athena releases (specifically v.15), are configured to set SVNROOT and not CVSROOT. If you use Athena and an error message like this appears:
Error: Please set CVSROOT first !
please follow these directions:
1) Follow the directions at to set up an rsa key pair and configure it on lxplus
2) Change your v15 script to the following (Things in <>'s should be replaced with the appropriate string):
source /afs/
export ATHENA_VERSION=15.0.0
source <path to cmthome>/ -tag=${ATHENA_VERSION}
export SVNROOT=svn+ssh://<CERN NICE username>
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add -l
Now it should work.
(Side note: Strictly, you do not need to do the rsa key stuff, but when doing cmt co it will ask you for your password multiple times, which gets annoying, so I'd just do it anyway)
Note: more help can be found at
SoftwareDevelopmentWorkbookCmtTips and
Note: Athena works best when the names of the release directories, run areas, etc. are named after the general release, for example do:
mkdir 14.2.23
instead of
when installing release, the releases must be consistent.
CharlieMueller - 06 Apr 2009