PC6248 Reformat

Note that using the command show dir seems be a good stress test. Even switches that pass the check disk commands below can fail running the show dir command. I don't think I've had trouble with switches that can successfully run show dir.

Special Menu

Do this with help of Dell support only.

1. At [Boot Menu] prompt enter "30".

2. Password is "pc62xxkinnick"

3. Lots of interesting diagnostic tools available in new menu.

Ben's Instructions Nov 2007

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        FW: PC62XX firmware update
Date:   Tue, 20 Nov 2007 15:49:17 -0600
From:   <Ronald_Obonna@Dell.com>

Hello Ben,

Here are some quick fix steps to try on the switch.

If you PC62XX having problem updating firmware do the following on the
UNSTACK SWITCH(if you do this on a stack it will only do the master switch):

This are some steps from engineering:

          1. Check if the file system is corrupted with the following
             DevShell commands(following this steps)
          2. Delete backup image
          3. Download the new image via tftp server
          4. Set the boot to new image
          5. Reboot
          6. Update bootcode
          7. Download the new image via tftp server ( for the 2nd image)

Here are the command on the switch:
1) When the stack is booted, on the master perfor the following command
to see if the flash file is corrupted

Console# Devshell chkdsk('/DskVol/',0,0x200)

2) Perform this command if the flash file is corrupted, Checkdsk will
fix if any errors

Console# Devshell chkdsk('/DskVol/',2,0x200)

3) Perform this command again to see if the flash file is Ok

Console# Devshell chkdsk('/DskVol/',0,0x200)

4) Reboot the switch

Console# Reload.

This is what will happen if we have a flash coruption:
*console#Devshell chkdsk('/DskVol/',0,0x200) -- Checking for errors*
/DskVol//  - disk check in progress ...

/DskVol//files/slog0.txt /DskVol//files/olog0.txt
"/DskVol//files/image2" too many clusters in file, adjusted.



dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is being reset to FRI APR 22 08:01:14 2005

Value obtained from file system volume descriptor pointer: 0xffc0780
The old setting was THU JAN 01 00:06:57 1970
Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27 00:00:00 1990
/DskVol//  -* Errors detected. To correct disk structure,* please start
check disk with a permission to repair.

           total # of clusters:  15,147
            # of free clusters:  10,188
             # of bad clusters:  0
              total free space:  20,376 Kb
      max contiguous free space:  11,468,800 bytes
                    # of files:  20
                  # of folders:  1
          total bytes in files:  9,858 Kb
              # of lost chains:  2
    total bytes in lost chains:  36,864

value = -1 = 0xffffffff

             *console#Devshell chkdsk('/DskVol/',2,0x200)  -\xE0 to fix the
             /DskVol//  - disk check in progress ...

             /DskVol//files/slog0.txt /DskVol//files/olog0.txt
             "/DskVol//files/image2" too many clusters in file, adjusted.


             Errors detected. All corrections stored to disk and lost
             chains recovered.*

             Change volume Id from 0x0 to 0xacb0

                       total # of clusters:  15,147
                        # of free clusters:  10,188
                         # of bad clusters:  0
                          total free space:  20,376 Kb
                  max contiguous free space:  11,468,800 bytes
                                # of files:  20
                              # of folders:  1
                      total bytes in files:  9,858 Kb
                          # of lost chains:  2
                total bytes in lost chains:  36,864

             value = 0 = 0x0

             console#*******Devshell chkdsk('/DskVol/',0,0x200)  --
             Rechecking to make sure the file system is ok*
             /DskVol//  - disk check in progress ...

             /DskVol//files/slog0.txt /DskVol//files/olog0.txt



             /DskVol//  - Volume is OK

                       total # of clusters:  15,147
                        # of free clusters:  10,189
                         # of bad clusters:  0
                          total free space:  20,378 Kb
                  max contiguous free space:  11,468,800 bytes
                                # of files:  20
                              # of folders:  1
                      total bytes in files:  9,891 Kb
                          # of lost chains:  0
                total bytes in lost chains:  0

             value = 0 = 0x0

Let me know if this does not work or if you need further assistance.

*/Ronald Obonna/*//
PowerConnect Systems Analyst, Dell Inc.
Phone: 1-800-822-8965 x - 7249335
Email: _Ronald_Obonna@Dell.com_ <mailto:Ronald_Obonna@Dell.com>
Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST

How am I doing? Email my manager David Kirkpatrick_
David_Kirkpatrick@dell.com_ with any feedback.
/Already online?  Feel free to take advantage of our online methods for
your future Enterprise support needs!/
/* For immediate technical assistance, please Chat with us at//*:
/* For less time-sensitive assistance, please E-mail us at:*

-- TomRockwell - 05 Jul 2008
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Downloading_the_Software.pdfpdf Downloading_the_Software.pdf manage 32 K 17 Jul 2008 - 00:24 TomRockwell Dell's instructions for downloading new firmware
Topic revision: r4 - 17 Nov 2009, TomRockwell
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