Installing DQ2
Shawn created a host cert from for
Do yum update on machine. Remove cern openafs from node. Install openafs-client (b/c of yum repository setup, this removes cern afs and installs a U-M one).
make dq2 account, local user. make /opt/DQ2
Setup the environment by sourcing the Pacman setup in /afs/
Set var that tells VDT to use 32 bit when running pacman command:
dq2 /opt/DQ2> export VDT_pretend_32=1
dq2 /opt/DQ2> pacman -trust-all-caches -v shell-out -get OU:DQ2-PandaSite-test
site is
Have trouble that compile of mod_python is failing under 64 bit OS. Punt and do install from 32 bit SLC3 into AFS space.
We used (SLC 3.0.6, 2.4.21-37.EL.cernspm) as the install host for an installation into /afs/
The logfile of the installation is in /afs/ and attached to this page.
TomRockwell - 13 Sep 2006