--------------- NB, condor is now in umatlas repo, and it along with yum-priorites ------------------
-------------- are now installed via cf3 ---------------
------------ epel should be installed as well ---------------------
[root@gate02 ~]# cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/rocks-local.repo
name=Rocks 6.1
enabled = 0
[root@gate02 ~]# yum --enablerepo=Rocks-6.1 --nogpgcheck install condor
Package Arch Version Repository Size
condor x86_64 7.8.8-110288 Rocks-6.1 27 M
Installing for dependencies:
perl-Date-Manip noarch 6.24-1.el6 Rocks-6.1 1.3 M
perl-Time-HiRes x86_64 4:1.9721-130.el6_4 Rocks-6.1 46 k
perl-YAML-Syck x86_64 1.07-4.el6 Rocks-6.1 74 k
cf-agent -K (no output, did it do anything?)
[root@gate02 ~]# rpm -qa|grep epel
epel-release-6-8.noarch THIS IS UP TO DATE
[root@gate02 ~]# yum install yum-priorities
--------------- end of condor, epel and yum-priorities changes -------------------
rpm -Uvh http://repo.grid.iu.edu/osg-el6-release-latest.rpm
Edit repo to set enabled=0
[root@gate02 ~]# service cfengine3 stop
-------------- Note, this is now enshrined in cf3 ---------------------
Added rsv and cndrcron entries to /etc/passwd and /etc/group as on gate04
Copied rsv account files (/var/rsv) from gate04 to gate02
[gate01:config.d]# grep -e rsv -e cndr /etc/passwd
rsv:x:305:306:RSV monitoring:/var/rsv:/bin/sh
cndrcron:x:306:307:Condor-cron service:/var/lib/condor-cron:/sbin/nologin
[gate01:config.d]# grep -e rsv -e cndr /etc/group
---------------- End of cf3 enshrinement ------------------
[root@gate02 ~]# yum --enablerepo=osg install empty-ca-certs
[root@gate02 ~]# yum --enablerepo=osg install osg-ce-condor
[root@gate02 ~]# yum --enablerepo=osg install globus-gram-job-manager-managedfork
Fussed a lot with monit as wrong rpm was installed, and it would not cleanly monitor.
May now be resolved.
Sort of a Catch-22. http certs won't correctly install because http is not installed until the
osg-ce-condor rpm is installed. Then, the only way to get them updated, is to either
change the httpcert and httpkey in the repo (nope, not gonna happen), or remove all of the
/var/cfengine/stage/http*.pem files.
Then, "cf-agent -K" will (re)start httpd with the certs in place.
autofs did not start. Started it.
Failing though, reboot machine.
OK now
-------------- NB, do this instead of reboot ------------
45 service rpcbind restart
46 service rpcidmapd restart
47 service autofs restart
[root@gate02 ball]# osg-configure -c
[root@gate02 ball]# osg-configure -v
[root@gate02 ball]# gums-host-cron
[root@gate02 grid-security]# service gums-client-cron start
Enabling periodic gums-host-cron: [ OK ]
[root@gate02 grid-security]# chkconfig gums-client-cron on
[root@gate02 grid-security]# service globus-gatekeeper start
Started globus-gatekeeper [ OK ]
[root@gate02 grid-security]# chkconfig globus-gatekeeper on
[root@gate02 grid-security]# service globus-gridftp-server start
Starting globus-gridftp-server: [ OK ]
[root@gate02 grid-security]# chkconfig globus-gridftp-server on
[root@gate02 grid-security]# service tomcat6 start
Starting tomcat6: [ OK ]
[root@gate02 grid-security]# chkconfig tomcat6 on
[root@gate02 grid-security]# service gratia-probes-cron start
Enabling gratia probes cron: [ OK ]
[root@gate02 grid-security]# chkconfig gratia-probes-cron on
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@gate02 grid-security]# service osg-cleanup-cron start
Enabling periodic osg-cleanup: [ OK ]
[root@gate02 grid-security]# chkconfig osg-cleanup-cron on
[root@gate02 html]# chkconfig httpd on
(httpd was started by the osg startup)
Problems with condor.pm on Fork jobs. They are getting all the requirements
of a standard job, and are therefore not running.
FIXED, changes in condor_submit
Running on gate04: rsv-control --run --all-enabled
Failed a bunch, need to do:
[root@gate02 grid-security]# yum install sharutils
BobBall - 02 Jul 2013