Testing Glusterfs

For testing purposes only we used the Redhat Storage Appliance demo which has gluster tools pre-installed. Docs are here: http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Storage_Software_Appliance/3.2/pdf/User_Guide/Red_Hat_Storage_Software_Appliance-3.2-User_Guide-en-US.pdf

The docs are largely a repeat of the documentation available from the gluster.org website. In any real usage scenario I would advise using the freely available gluster packages rather than this appliance. There does not seem to be any significant value in terms of ease of use or setup for purchasing the appliance though it would mean we would have full support for the gluster storage cluster. Cost per node is approximately $4000 and the minimum to start is 4 nodes. There is also a premium version for $6000 per node. This quote is from DLT Solutions who seems to work with the university or one may also want to email lsa.licensing to work with them in obtaining a license. I didn't attach the quote as I am not sure if it is ok to make that public.

Upgrading gluster RPMS

As it turns out the RH appliance ships with version 3.2 of gluster. I wanted to test the most current version so I upgraded the system with v 3.3 RPMS from http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.3/LATEST/RHEL/

[root@umdist08 ~]# rpm -Uvh glusterfs-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm glusterfs-geo-replication-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpmglusterfs-fuse-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm glusterfs-server-3.3.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

The glusterfs RPM obsoletes/replaces gluster-core from version 3.2.

It should be noted that the version 3.2 server was not compatible with the version 3.3 client. Noticing that was what led to updating the server. Also note that the update lost my volume but it appeared to simply be a case of some config not being copied from an old config dir to a new one (the -server rpm post-install tried but failed because the destination existed from one of the other RPMS). Things moved from /etc/glusterd to /var/lib/glusterd. The meta-data was still on the brick and I'm pretty sure a real update in production following a more careful procedure would be fairly simple (especially if not a major version upgrade).

System Configuration

3 x md1200 shelves, 3TB disks attached to Perc H800 controller.

Created 3 RAID6 volumes, 12 disks each. Adaptive Read-ahead, Write back, 512KB stripe width.

Created 3 XFS filesystems:
mkfs.xfs -f -L glfs_sdc -d su=512k,sw=10 -l su=256k /dev/sdc

Mounted with inode64:
LABEL=glfs_sdc                /glfs1          xfs     inode64        1 1

Later we need more volumes so for the replicated tests so 6 RAID5 volumes were set up and filesystems done as such:
 mkfs.xfs -f -L glfs_sdd -d su=512k,sw=5 -l su=256k /dev/sdd

Iozone tests done with iozone-3.394-1.el5.rf.x86_64 from DAG repository.

Gluster Configurations

We started with a simple volume using one hardware raid volume. Effectively a distributed volume with only 1 member:
[root@umdist08 RHEL6]# gluster volume create testvolume umdist08:/glfs1
Creation of volume testvolume has been successful. Please start the volume to access data.
[root@umdist08 RHEL6]# gluster volume info

Volume Name: testvolume
Type: Distribute
Status: Created
Number of Bricks: 1
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: umdist08:/glfs1

[root@umdist08 RHEL6]# gluster volume start testvolume
Starting volume testvolume has been successful

Other volumes were created as such:

6 Brick distributed replicated

[root@umdist08 ~]# gluster volume create test replica 2 transport tcp umdist08:/glfs1 umdist08:/glfs3 umdist08:/glfs6 umdist08:/glf
s2 umdist08:/glfs4 umdist08:/glfs5
Multiple bricks of a replicate volume are present on the same server. This setup is not optimal.
Do you still want to continue creating the volume?  (y/n) y
Creation of volume test has been successful. Please start the volume to access data.

Checking status:
[root@umdist08 ~]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: test
Gluster process                                         Port    Online  Pid
Brick umdist08:/glfs1                                   24009   Y       2149
Brick umdist08:/glfs3                                   24010   Y       2155
Brick umdist08:/glfs6                                   24011   Y       2160
Brick umdist08:/glfs2                                   24012   Y       2167
Brick umdist08:/glfs4                                   24013   Y       2173
Brick umdist08:/glfs5                                   24014   Y       2179
NFS Server on localhost                                 38467   Y       2186
Self-heal Daemon on localhost                           N/A     Y       2192

Client Setup

There are RPMS available for EL6 and others here: http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/LATEST/

For our SL5 test system dc2-3-35 I built RPMS from the spec included in the source download after installing some prerequisites:
[root@c-3-35 glusterfs-3.3.0]# yum install flex libtool ncurses-devel readline-devel libibverbs-devel 
[root@c-3-35 glusterfs-3.3.0]# cp ../glusterfs-3.3.0.tar.gz /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/
[root@c-3-35 glusterfs-3.3.0]# rpmbuild -ba glusterfs.spec

Then installed glusterfs-3.3.0-1.x86_64.rpm and glusterfs-fuse-3.3.0-1.x86_64.rpm

Mounted at the command line:
[root@c-3-35 x86_64]# mount -t glusterfs -o log-level=WARNING,log-file=/var/log/gluster.log umdist08:/testvolume /mnt/gfs
glusterfs#umdist08:/testvolume                       28T   33M   28T   1% /mnt/gfs


1 brick simple volume

From node dc2-3-35, 1Gb ethernet, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5355 @ 2.66GHz
Test used 6 simultaneous IO threads. Tests below each specify a different record size for the test and are otherwise identical.

iozone -t6 -Rb gfs_general_4.xls -P1 -r4k -s32G -F /mnt/gfs/io1.test /mnt/gfs/io2.test /mnt/gfs/io3.test  \
/mnt/gfs/io4.test /mnt/gfs/io5.test /mnt/gfs/io6.test 

iozone -t6 -Rb gfs_general_512.xls -P1 -r512k -s32G -F /mnt/gfs/io1.test /mnt/gfs/io2.test /mnt/gfs/io3.test  \
/mnt/gfs/io4.test /mnt/gfs/io5.test /mnt/gfs/io6.test 

6 brick distributed replicated

This test was done from a client machine with 10Gb network interface (gluster test server has 10G interface in all tests).

iozone -t6 -Rb gfs_dr_10G_general_512.xls -P1 -r512k -s32G -F /mnt/gfs/io1.test /mnt/gfs/io2.test /mnt/gfs/io3.test /mnt/gfs/io4.test /mnt/gfs/io5.test /mnt/gfs/io6.test 

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
gfs_dr_10G_general_512.pngpng gfs_dr_10G_general_512.png manage 31 K 27 Jun 2012 - 20:26 BenMeekhof Iozone general test 512k recordsize with 6 threads,distributed replicated volume, 10G client
gfs_dr_10G_general_512.xlsxls gfs_dr_10G_general_512.xls manage 27 K 27 Jun 2012 - 20:41 BenMeekhof  
gfs_general_1.xlsxls gfs_general_1.xls manage 32 K 27 Jun 2012 - 20:41 BenMeekhof  
gluster-4k-test1.pngpng gluster-4k-test1.png manage 33 K 21 Jun 2012 - 14:09 BenMeekhof Iozone general test 4k recordsize with 6 threads
gluster-512k-test1.pngpng gluster-512k-test1.png manage 31 K 21 Jun 2012 - 14:09 BenMeekhof Iozone general test 512k recordsize with 6 threads
Topic revision: r6 - 27 Jun 2012, BenMeekhof
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