How to convert a RO volume to a RW volume in AFS

1) Get tokens as 'admin' via 'kinit admin' folllowed by 'aklog'
2) Check the mount: 'fs lsmount /afs/' This will show you the volume name.
3) Remove the existing RO mount: 'fs rmmount /afs/' NOTE: the part.
4) Remount RW: 'fs mkmount /afs/ -rw' (Put the right name in from step 2) )
5) Make sure the 'root' volume is updated and available: 'vos release root.cell' and 'fs checkvolumes'

How to add quota to a afs dir.

1) to do this, you need to login as admin

2) get the volume name which is associated with the directory

#fs lsmount /afs/
'/afs/' is a mount point for volume '%BackupdCache'
BackupdCache is the volume name

3) get the volume information

root# vos examine BackupdCache
BackupdCache                      536874892 RW   54992198 K  On-line /vicepe 
    RWrite  536874892 ROnly  536874893 Backup          0 
    MaxQuota   75000000 K 
    Creation    Wed Nov 14 13:05:13 2007
    Copy        Wed Nov 14 13:05:13 2007
    Backup      Never
    Last Update Wed Apr  8 19:45:01 2009
    40363 accesses in the past day (i.e., vnode references)

    RWrite: 536874892     ROnly: 536874893 
    number of sites -> 2
       server partition /vicepe RW Site 
       server partition /vicepe RO Site 

linat06 /vicepe is the partion which hosts the volume Backupdcache

4) examine the partition which hosts the volume to see if there are enough space on that partition

 #vos partinfo linat06 /vicepe
Free space on partition /vicepe: 218209100 K blocks out of total 935671040

it has about 218GB free space on this partition

5) add more space to the volume

#fs setquota /afs/ 75000000
set the new quota to 75GB

6)verify that the total quota on the volume has been udpate

#vos examine BackupdCache

IP based ACL in AFS

Case, create a dir /afs/ which allows all umfs and msufs machines have rw permission..

1) create user by IP adress (should use both public and private IP, not sure which IP would be used to for fs nodes to talk to afs servers)
pts createuser
pts createuser

pts createuser
pts createuser

2) create a group and add all these ip users to the group..
pts creategroup aglt2fs
pts add aglt2fs
pts add aglt2fs

root@umfs09 ~# pts membership aglt2fs
Members of aglt2fs (id: -8017) are:
3) change the permission of dir
fs setacl /afs/ aglt2fs rlidwka
root@head02 ~# fs listacl /afs/
Access list for /afs/ is
Normal rights:
  aglt2fs rlidwka
  system:administrators rlidwka
  system:anyuser rl

4) other things shawn has done to re-arrange the root dir /afs/
1084  fs mkmount /afs/ check_md5 -rw
 1085  vos release root.cell
 1086  fs checkvolumes
 1087  fs listacl /afs/
 1088  fs listacl /afs/
 1089  fs setacl /afs/ aglt2fs rlidwka
 1090  fs listacl /afs/
 1091  fs lsmount /afs/
 1092  fs mkmount /afs/ BackupdCache -rw
 1093  fs lsmount /afs/
 1094  fs lsmount /afs/
 1095  fs listacl /afs/
 1096  fs listacl /afs/
 1097  fs setacl /afs/ system:anyuser rl
 1098  fs listacl /afs/
 1099  fs listacl /afs/
 1100  mkdir /afs/
 1101  fs listacl /afs/
 1102  fs help setacl /afs/
 1103  fs  setacl /afs/ -clear system:administrators rlidwka aglt2fs rlidwka
 1104  fs listacl /afs/

-- WenjingWu - 16 Jan 2008
Topic revision: r3 - 08 Apr 2009, WenjingWu
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