Setup Srm Space reservation


details about why space revervation is needed, refer to srm space reservationdcache book.

steps to set up space reservation

1. enable srm space reservation in configuration files

a-1) add or uncomment or modify these entries of /opt/d-cache/config/dCacheSetup on the head node which runs srm server (head01 at AGLT2)


a-2) modify the following entry of /opt/d-cache/config/srm.batch on srm server node (head01) set context -c srmSpaceManagerEnabled yes

a-3) customize the LinkGroupAuthorization.conf
$ vi /opt/d-cache/etc/LinkGroupAuthorization.conf
LinkGroup sres-link-group

This /Role= gives permission to users belonging to all VOs.. if you want to specify the space for certain VOs, do usatlas1/Role=* instead.. more information about this , refer to dcache book Vo Based Authentication

a-4) restart dcache-core service to apply the changes of configurations

b-1) uncomment and modify this entry of /opt/d-cache/config/dCacheSetup on all nodes which run gridftp doors (all pool nodes at AGLT2)

b-2) restart dcache-core services on all gridftp door nodes

2 make up the PoolManager.conf

a) add these entries to the /opt/d-cache/config/PoolManager.conf for space reservation

psu create unit -store  usatlas:sres@osm

psu create ugroup sres
psu addto ugroup sres usatlas:sres@osm

psu creat pool c-1-16_1
psu creat pool c-1-16_3
psu creat pool c-1-24_1
psu creat pool c-1-29_1
psu creat pool c-2-20_1
psu creat pool c-2-21_1
psu creat pool c-2-28_1
psu creat pool c-2-30_1

psu create pgroup SresPools
psu addto pgroup SresPools c-1-16_1
psu addto pgroup SresPools c-1-16_3
psu addto pgroup SresPools c-1-24_1
psu addto pgroup SresPools c-1-29_1
psu addto pgroup SresPools c-2-20_1
psu addto pgroup SresPools c-2-21_1
psu addto pgroup SresPools c-2-28_1
psu addto pgroup SresPools c-2-30_1

psu create link sres-link any-protocol sres world-net
psu set link sres-link -readpref=10 -writepref=10 -cachepref=10 -p2ppref=-1
psu add link sres-link SresPools

psu create linkGroup sres-link-group
psu addto linkGroup sres-link-group sres-link
psu set linkGroup attribute sres-link-group HSM=none
psu set linkGroup custodialAllowed sres-link-group false
psu set linkGroup onlineAllowed sres-link-group true
psu set linkGroup nearlineAllowed sres-link-group true
psu set linkGroup replicaAllowed sres-link-group true
psu set linkGroup outputAllowed sres-link-group true

b) apply the changes

[] (local) admin > cd PoolManager
[] (PoolManager) admin > reload -yes

3 tag the destination directories on the pnfs server (head02 at AGLT2)

$ mkdir /pnfs/
$cd /pnfs/
$ grep "" $(cat ".(tags)()")
.(tag)(OSMTemplate):StoreName usatlas
$ echo "sres">".(tag)(sGroup)"
$ echo  "ONLINE" > ".(tag)(AccessLatency)"
$ echo  "REPLICA" > ".(tag)(RetentionPolicy)"
$ grep "" $(cat ".(tags)()")
.(tag)(OSMTemplate):StoreName usatlas

NOTE: the subdir sres will inheritate the tags of its parent dir /pnfs/ so we need to change some of these tags.

4 verification about the space reservation

1) make a reservation of space with 200GB for 100 hours..

wuwj@c-1-15 /pnfs/$ srm-reserve-space --debug=true --retention_policy=REPLICA --access_latency=ONLINE -lifetime=360000  -desired_size=200000000000 -guaranteed_size=200000000000 -space_desc=wutest-token srm://

Space token =40055
lifetime = null
access latency = ONLINE
retention policy = REPLICA
guaranteed size = null
total size = 200000000000

2) get the token back if you forget it

wuwj@c-1-15 /pnfs/$ srm-get-space-tokens srm://
Space Reservation Tokens:

3) get the metadata of the tokens

wuwj@c-1-15 /pnfs/$ srm-get-space-metadata srm:// 40055
Space Reservation with token=40055
                   owner:VoGroup=usatlas3 VoRole=null

4) copy file to dcache with your token
wuwj@c-1-15 /pnfs/$ srmcp --debug=true  -srm_protocol_version=2  --retention_policy=REPLICA --access_latency=ONLINE  -space_token=40055  file:////tmp/dd100M1  srm://


1) watch your log file while you are doing these upwards commands on srm server nodes (head01)
root@head01 ~# tail -f /opt/d-cache/libexec/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/logs/catalina.out

2) check space reservation related database tables on srm server node (head01)
$psql -U srmdcache dcache
dcache=> select * from srmspace where id='40055';
  id   | vogroup  | vorole | retentionpolicy | accesslatency | linkgroupid | sizeinbytes  | creationtime  | lifetime  | description  | state | usedspaceinbytes | allocatedspaceinbytes 
 40055 | usatlas3 |        |               2 |             1 |       10000 | 200000000000 | 1203531690058 | 360000000 | wutest-token |     0 |        104857600 |                     0
(1 row)

dcache=> select * from srmspacefile where spacereservationid='40055';
  id   | vogroup  | vorole | spacereservationid | sizeinbytes | creationtime  | lifetime |              pnfspath              |          pnfsid          | state 
 40056 | usatlas3 |        |              40055 |   104857600 | 1203532083777 | 14399792 | /pnfs/ | 0001000000000000002E9968 |     2
(1 row)

More related tables are there in the dcache database.

3) ssh to the admin interface for management

[] (local) admin > cd SrmSpaceManager                  
[] (SrmSpaceManager) admin > 

-- WenjingWu - 20 Feb 2008
Topic revision: r5 - 20 Feb 2008, WenjingWu
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