Manual Replication of Hot Files in dCache
Particularly for the Health Check, we need multiple copies of the source file
All work is performed in either a browser or on head01
- Choose the file to be replicated
- Modify health.conf on a test worker, inserting the file name, size (in Bytes) and md5sum
- In a browser go here and "Query the file status from dCache"
- This will give the PNFSID of the file to replicate and the pool where it resides
- On head01, as root,
- ssh -l admin localhost -p 22223 -c blowfish -1
- cd [pool]
- migration copy -pnfsid=[PNFSID] -smode=precious -tmode=precious -verify
- Do this for as many copies/pools as is desired
- Used total of 3 at msu, 2 at um in November, 2010 change
- info will give status, where ID is printed for each copy
- ..
- logoff
As of April, 2016, do this instead
- On head01, as root,
- ssh -l admin -p 22224
- \c [pool]
- migration copy -pnfsid=[PNFSID] -smode=precious -tmode=precious -verify
- Do this for as many copies/pools as is desired
- Used total of 3 at msu, 2 at um in April, 2016 fix of centrally deleted file
- info -a will give status of all commands
- \q
Take a look at original file to get the PNFSID by....
- On head02, as root,
- psql -U pnfsserver chimera
- Find the pnfsid
- select * from t_dirs where iname='';
- the returned PNFSID is 0000E20F5C9BC8FB47738EA55B93E52C3CFD
- Determine the pool location
- select ilocation from t_locationinfo where ipnfsid='0000E20F5C9BC8FB47738EA55B93E52C3CFD';
- This returns the full pool list now, the original umfs11_2, plus umfs09_1, msufs14_1, msufs15_3 and msufs16_4
- \q
This file was originally placed here using gfal-copy, ie
file:/// srm://
BobBall - 22 Nov 2010