Each rack has 2 PDUs named PDU-RACKNUM-N.msulocal where N is 1 or 2. For racks with UPSs, the -1 PDU is on the UPS.
You can connect to the web interface using a browser with access to the 10.10. network.
To find PDU outlet(s) that computer is on:
Option1 guess the PDU (based on rack number) and look for it in the web interface (outlets are labeled).
Option2 grep the file
grep msufs01 /home/install/config/msu/power/pdu-outlets.csv
Special script for compute nodes only --- PDU control based on node rack and rank:
=== root@msurox ~ > sh /home/install/tools/ c-102-1
/home/install/tools/ NODE COMMAND
COMMAND can be: state/status off on cycle/reboot/restart
=== root@msurox ~ > sh /home/install/tools/ c-102-1 state
Also can control power via ipmi, see the page
=== root@msurox ~ > sh /home/install/tools/ chassis power status
Chassis Power is on
Node shutdown from within OS... (to add)
BenMeekhof - 10 Feb 2009