See these URLs for an overview:
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/PandaRun https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/PandaTools
Setup procedure
AGLT2 now uses CVMFS (distributed filesystem from CERN) to distribute ATLAS software, e.g. pathena and prun. To configure for this add these lines to your .bash_profile (or equivalent for whatever shell you use):
if [ -f "/usr/local/bin/setup/cvmfs_atlas.sh" ]; then
echo " Creating 'atlasSetup' alias..."
alias atlasSetup="source /usr/local/bin/setup/cvmfs_atlas.sh"
When you login you'll see the message:
Creating 'atlasSetup' alias...
Typing atlasSetup on the command line will produce these messages:
...Type localSetupDQ2Client to use DQ2 Client
...Type localSetupGanga to use Ganga
...Type localSetupGcc to use alternate gcc
...Type localSetupGLite to use GLite
...Type localSetupPacman to use Pacman
...Type localSetupPandaClient to use Panda Client
...Type localSetupROOT to setup (standalone) ROOT
...Type localSetupPoD to setup Proof-on-Demand
...Type showVersions to show versions of installed software
...Type asetup [--help] to setup a release
...Type changeASetup [--help] to change asetup configuration
...Type diagnostics for diagnostic tools
...Type helpMe for help
The above commands can now be used to configure for a variety of ATLAS software-related tasks. Specifically use command localSetupPandaClient to enable use of pathena and prun. Configure Athena with asetup before running localSetupPandaClient.
You'll need a grid proxy before you can submit grid jobs which you obtain as follows:
create a file in your AFS home directory with this following line, and use the voms-proxy-init command to create a proxy for your certificate
-bash-4.2$ vi atlas-iam
"atlas" "voms-atlas-auth.cern.ch" "443" "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/CN=atlas-auth.cern.ch" "atlas"
-bash-4.2$ voms-proxy-init --vomses ~/atlas-iam --voms atlas
A notice from DDM Operations about dataset names
Starting Monday May 3rd, 2010, DQ2 will restrict the creation of datasets to those starting with a valid project (e.g. user, user10, group, group10, etc...). The complete list of valid projects is available
here An attempted creation of a dataset with an unknown project will fail.
A second change will occur on May 31st, 2010. As of this date, user datasets will be required to be begin with "user.{nickname}", where {nickname} is the nickname attribute in the atlas VO extension of your grid certificate. Please verify well in advance of this date that you have a nickname set for your certificate -- if you run "voms-proxy-info -all" you should see, for example:
@lxplus249 ~> voms-proxy-info -all
attribute : nickname = dvanders (atlas)
If you do not have a nickname attribute, you need to get one by visiting
this link (using a web browser that has your grid certificate installed).
From that site, use the "Edit Personal Info" page to add or modify your nickname.
DA & DDM Support
Example of using prun
The documentation indicates that all files in the target directory are sent off to Panda. I created a directory, with a simple shell script, and submitted that for a test, like so:
[ball@umt3int01:prun]$ prun --exec "test_job.sh" --site=ANALY_AGLT2 --noBuild --outDS user10.RobertCBall.testPrun001
The outDS specification requires the inclusion of your full Certificate name as the second parameter.
Shortly after submission, I received an Email back from Panda with the content shown below. The included link there allows you to monitor your job and await its completion.
Outputs are registered in the AGLT2_USERDISK token area, and can be retrieved upon completion using dccp
[umt3int01: ball] ls -l /pnfs/aglt2.org/atlasuserdisk/user10.RobertCBall/user10.RobertCBall.testPrun001_sub05846450
total 17
-rw-r--r-- 1 usatlas1 usatlas 16901 Feb 26 14:19 user10.RobertCBall.testPrun001._1049312244.log.tgz
dccp /pnfs/aglt2.org/atlasuserdisk/user10.RobertCBall/user10.RobertCBall.testPrun001_sub05846450/user10.RobertCBall.testPrun001._1049312244.log.tgz test.log.tgz
Email content returned from PanDA
Summary of JobID : 2
Created : 2010-02-26 19:46:02 (UTC)
Ended : 2010-02-26 19:56:31 (UTC)
Total Number of Jobs : 1
Succeeded : 1
Partial : 0
Failed : 0
Out : user10.RobertCBall.testPrun001
PandaMonURL : http://panda.cern.ch:25980/server/pandamon/query?job=%2A&user=Robert+C+Ball&jobDefinitionID=2
Report Panda problems of any sort to
the eGroup for help request
the Savannah for software bug
BobBall - 20 Apr 2010