Conditions for Doing This
A running Rocks WN can be automatically set to reformat its disks and rebuild from scratch. This can be useful in a variety of conditions, for example, on a suspect machine for any reason. The procedure consists of actions take on both the Rocks head node of the affected WN, and on the WN itself.
A Concrete Example
For purposes of this page, we will assume that the WN we want to do this to is called cc-104-30.msulocal.
Rocks Head Node steps
In this case, the head node is msurx6
- rocks remove host partition cc-104-30
- rocks set host boot cc-104-30 action=install
WN steps taken
- locate .rocks-release | xargs -n 1 /bin/rm -f
- /boot/kickstart/cluster-kickstart-pxe (or just reboot because we also told that to the head node)
Sit back and drink a cup of coffee for 15 minutes. When you come back, the machine should hare rebuilt and had its initial CF3 run take place.
BobBall - 13 Apr 2015