50 recent changes in AGLT2/ROCKS Web retrieved at 11:53 (GMT)

Dell R6420 BIOS Settings The following were set in the Dell R6420 BIOS at UM prior to first build. Specifics of IP addresses should be modified for R6420 at MSU....
Dell R6420 BIOS Settings * See this page for the R6420 so as to avoid too much confusion from this set of instructions Dell R620 and R630 BIOS Settings at AGL...
* MakingRocksRolls * UpdateSLRoll * BuildRocks55Frontend * BuildAWorkerNode * AGLT2/Dell.DellFirmwareOMSA * Change411Server Move a client to a new ...
How to Move a WN temporarily from the T2 to the MSU T3 This procedure can be used to temporarily move a WN from the T2 to the MSU T3. It leaves the WN in place i...
Reformat and Rebuild a Rocks WN Conditions for Doing This A running Rocks WN can be automatically set to reformat its disks and rebuild from scratch. This can b...
Build/Rebuild a ROCKS Worker Node Recipe for rebuilding a ROCKS worker node. Includes defining the node on frontend using "nodeinfo" setup. ROCKS default way of a...
Procedures for updating the PXE boot kernel Background The Dell R620 received in December, 2013, have an E2650 v2 processor. This is not supported by the kernel...
PXE booting non ROCKS hosts from ROCKS This page describes how to adapt the ROCKS frontend for PXE booting non ROCKS hosts and adding a menu boot selection. Instr...
Procedures for building a Rocks 6.1 Frontend Background Please also refer to Build Rocks 5.5 Frontend The Rocks 6.1 jumbo roll comes with CentOS built in. Howeve...
Build of msurx ROCKS 5.5 frontend This page gives a procedural view of the build of msurx with ROCKS 5.5 and SL58, some differences in the use of ROCKS 5.5 vs. 5....
Changing the 411 Server for a Client Example of moving a client from 5.3 411 server to 5.5 411 server. We had a login node that had been built from ROCKS 5.3 (ms...
Updating SL Roll The ROCKS roll agl update sl58 contains the current set of security updates for the base OS (SL58) used in the ROCKS builds. The rolls mechanism ...
Making ROCKS Rolls ROCKS is designed with plug able "rolls" that allow features to be added to the cluster. There are hooks for doing pretty much any frontend or ...
AGLT2/ROCKS Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set...
* .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example #64;your.company
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%IF{ "istopic '.DefaultWebStatistics'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultWebStatistics$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultWebStatistics$quot}$perc...
Foswiki's AGLT2/ROCKS web
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
Number of topics: 25

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Topic revision: r1 - 17 Apr 2012, TomRockwell
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