AGLT2 Account and Resource Policy
In order to meet the requirements placed upon our Tier2 we are implementing a GUMS/VOMS/PRIMA configuration (so called
"Full Privilege" authorization support...see also the
OSG SiteVOSupport link.)
Our AGLT2 UMATLAS site originally was running "Grid3" mode and using the
service to construct an appropriate /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile. (See also the
gssklogd setup described on this TWiki).
Starting on December 18, 2006 our gatekeeper and our DQ2 server were configured to utilize GUMS/PRIMA/VOMS to make authentication/authorization decisions. We utilized the
distributed as part of the OSG/VDT kit (from $VDT_LOCATION/monitoring/gums.template) to setup default support.
OSG account setup
ShawnMcKee - 18 Dec 2006