This is a guide for using Athena on the Tier 3 that all users should follow.
Useful webpages:
Step 0.
First, check what releases are available by typing:
ls /msu/data/dzero/ATLAS/programs/athena-t3
If the release you wish to use is not there, contact
Charlie Mueller to have it installed.
Step 1.
Setup two areas in your home directory by typing:
cd $HOME
mkdir cmthome
mkdir testarea
mkdir testarea/[release]
cd cmthome
then do
source /afs/
Now, create a file called requirements in your cmthome by doing:
vi [or emacs] requirements
and copy the following into the script.
set SITEROOT /msu/data/dzero/ATLAS/programs/athena-t3/${ATHENA_VERSION}
macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/testarea
apply_tag projectArea
apply_tag opt
apply_tag setup
apply_tag simpleTest
use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)
set CMTCONFIG i686-slc4-gcc34-opt
Now, create a script to source and make things easier by doing
cd ~/testarea/[release]
Using the editor of your choice, create a script named by doing
vi [or emacs]
and in the script should look like this
export ATHENA_VERSION=14.2.23 #export ATHENA_VERSION=[release]
source ~/cmthome/ -tag=${ATHENA_VERSION}
This will be easier and faster to source than the setup script in cmthome
Now go into cmthome and do:
cmt config
You will only have to follow these procedures once until the version of CMT changes.
Finally, create a directory for running jobs
mkdir testarea/[release]/runArea
Now, copy to your runArea by doing
cd ~/testarea/[release]/runArea
cp -r /home/muell149/old_testarea/[release]/runArea/ .
Note: more help can be found at
SoftwareDevelopmentWorkbookCmtTips and
Note: Athena works best when the names of the release directories, run areas, etc. are named after the general release, for example do:
mkdir 14.2.23
instead of
when installing release, the releases must be consistent.
Step 2.
First, login by doing
kinit -5 login_name@CERN.CH
You need to issue the following command to set your terminal's environment variables to the correct values, and to set up CMT. You should do this every time you start a new terminal window in which you wish to use ATLAS software. You can do this by typing
cd ~/testarea/[release number]
and then source the script
One thing that you must change each time you use a different release is the ATHENA_VERSION in your script, like this
export ATHENA_VERSION=14.5.0 #change this to the release that you wish to use
source ~/cmthome/ -tag=${ATHENA_VERSION}
Now you should test that Athena is working properly by doing
cd runArea
and then
The algorithm will first initialise and will then run ten times (during each run it will print various messages and echo the values given in the job options file). Then it will finalise, and stop. You should see something that includes this:
HelloWorld INFO initialize()
HelloWorld INFO MyInt = 42
HelloWorld INFO MyBool = 1
HelloWorld INFO MyDouble = 3.14159
HelloWorld INFO MyStringVec[0] = Welcome
HelloWorld INFO MyStringVec[1] = to
HelloWorld INFO MyStringVec[2] = Athena
HelloWorld INFO MyStringVec[3] = Framework
HelloWorld INFO MyStringVec[4] = Tutorial
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start of run 0 <<<===
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start of event 1 <<<===
HelloWorld INFO execute()
HelloWorld INFO An INFO message
HelloWorld WARNING A WARNING message
HelloWorld ERROR An ERROR message
HelloWorld FATAL A FATAL error message
This message should end with something like
ChronoStatSvc.f... INFO Service finalized succesfully
StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
If so, you have successfully run Athena
HelloWorld The ERROR and FATAL error messages are just examples to show how you can issue such messages.
Running Athena on Condor
A few example scripts for running Athena on Condor are explained at
CharlieMueller - 14 Apr 2009