ATLAS event containing four muons

ATLAS Computing and Muon Calibration Center

OSiRIS Overview

OSiRIS or MI-OSiRIS (Multi-Institutional Open Storage Research Infrastructure) will combine a number of innovative concepts to provide a distributed, multi-institutional storage infrastructure that will allow researchers at any of our three campuses to read, write, manage and share their data directly from their computing facility locations.

Our goal is to provide transparent, high-performance access to the same storage infrastructure from well-connected locations on any of our campuses. We intend to enable this via a combination of network discovery, monitoring and management tools and through the creative use of CEPH features.

By providing a single data infrastructure that supports computational access on the data "in-place", we can meet many of the data-intensive and collaboration challenges faced by our research communities and enable these communities to easily undertake research collaborations beyond the border of their own Universities.

Indiana UniversityMichigan State UniversityWayne State UniversityUniversity of MichiganNational Science Foundation

OSiRIS is a collaboration between University of Michigan, Wayne State University, Michigan State University, and Indiana University funded by the NSF under award number 1541335. Many other institutions will collaborate as scientific users as the project becomes established.

Key Attributes of OSiRIS


Overview of OSiRIS structure

Overview of OSiRIS structure

Site Hardware Diagram (UM, MSU, WSU)

OSiRIS Hardware Configuration

The OSiRIS project is based upon a specific set of hardware choices designed to deliver the capability and performance we anticipate requiring to meet the project goals.

We are emphasizing the use of COTS (Common Off The Shelf) equipment specially configured, tuned, and deployed to meet the project goals and leverage the capabilities of CEPH.

CEPH Storage