Simulated black hole event in ATLAS

ATLAS Computing and Muon Calibration Center

SuperComputing 2015

SuperComputing Conference 2015

SDN Optimized High-Performance Data Transfer Systems for Exascale Science
This demonstration focuses on network path-building and flow optimizations using SDN and intelligent traffic engineering techniques.

LHCONE Point2point Service with Data Transfer Nodes
A network services model that matches the requirements of LHC high energy physics research with emerging capabilities for programmable networking

SuperComputing 2014

SuperComputing Conference 2014

One Server, 100 Gbps over the WAN for ATLAS/LHC

An international team from Caltech, University of Michigan, and University of Victoria demonstrated a data transfer architecture based on a single server capable of meeting the WAN transfer needs of computing centers connected at 100Gbps.

Intelligent Software Driven Dynamic Hybrid Networks

Our team, together with teams from SPRACE Sao Paulo, FIU, Vanderbilt and other partners worked together to smash records for data transfers using software defined networking (SDN).

SuperComputing 2013

SuperComputing Conference 2013

ADVA Optical Networking, Juniper Networks and University of Michigan Reveal Future of Big Data Transport at SC13

Read the full ADVA press release

View demonstration slides

SuperComputing conference website

ADVA Optical Networking, Juniper Networks and the University of Michigan showcased a demo at SC13 that uses OpenFlow to transport multiple petabytes of data.

SuperComputing 2012

SuperComputing Conference 2012

The International Conference for High Performance Computing Networking, Storage, and Analysis.

SC12 was November 10-16 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

AGLT2 demonstrated 100Gb/s transfers to the show floor at the 2012 SuperComputing conference.

Read the full Press Release from Caltech.

SuperComputing 2011

SuperComputing Conference 2011

The International Conference for High Performance Computing Networking, Storage, and Analysis.

In 2011 AGLT2 participated in the SuperComputing conference Nov 12-18 in Seattle. AGLT2 has participated in SC yearly since 2005. During the 2011 event AGLT2 was able to demonstrate 40Gb/s data flows to the conference floor from Ann Arbor.

Management Tools


At AGLT2 we are strong believers in good monitoring and configuration management. Read more about our usage of tools such as Cacti, Syslog-ng, Ganglia, and Cfengine here.



We have benchmarked a variety of hardware from Dell, Sun, and Nexsan running OS including Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD. Some results are posted on our wiki.



A web-based PHP application used by the UM group for tracking MDT faults during commissioning.


Calibdata database tool

A Python application used at UM to insert daily gas monitor calibration constants and for general calibration database manipulation.