Building Lustre RPMs for a new kernel
These are very old (version 1.8) directions
When we move to a new kernel on a machine where lustre must also be mounted, new rpms must be built
based upon that kernel.
The procedure is relatively simple for this.
- Install new kernel on a target machine, then boot into it.
- Run /afs/
- Copy /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/lustre*.rpm to a source repo, eg
- /afs/
- Use the lustre-client and lustre-client-modules rpms in any new build for a targetted machine
For Lustre 2.7 and later (added Oct 28, 2016)
this hpdd wiki page, plus our own mods. This assumes the work will be done on some idled WN
- service rocks-grub stop
- chkconfig rocks-grub off
- service lustre_mount_umt3 stop
- chkconfig lustre_mount_umt3 off
- chkconfig lustre_prep off
- /atlas/data08/ball/admin/
- yum erase lustre-client lustre-client-modules
- yum update kernel kernel-devel kernel-doc kernel-firmware kernel-headers kmod-openafs*
- Yes, make some copy of these needed rpms, somewhere, so they can be used
- In practice it may be necessary to modify the Rocks build and then do a "yum update"
- reboot to the new kernel
- The kernel-devel, make, rpm-build and python-docutils rpms should already be installed, but, if not, install them
- Copy the src rpm to the machine
- Currently at /atlas/data08/ball/admin/LustreSL6/2.7.58/server/lustre-2.7.58-1_gdeb6fcd.src.rpm
- rpmbuild --rebuild --without servers lustre-2.7.58-1_gdeb6fcd.src.rpm
- yum localinstall lustre-client-2.7.58-2.6.32_642.6.2.el6.x86_64_gdeb6fcd.x86_64.rpm lustre-client-modules-2.7.58-2.6.32_642.6.2.el6.x86_64_gdeb6fcd.x86_64.rpm
This was run from /root/rpmbuild on the target system, and the rpms ended up in /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64
Now, test that Lustre can be mounted and accessed
BobBall - 15 Apr 2011