New Lustre setup and configuration information using VMware MGS node, HA clustered MDT nodes and UMFS05/UMFS18 OSSes. Multipath config from lmd nodes attached here.
Lustre reinstall notes (April 20, 2010) to clean up initial install problems (missing OSTs, setup for "failout" instead of default "failover")
LustreBackup Backup and restore of Lustre meta-data.
AddingAnOSS Adding a new file server (OSS) to Lustre, with all of its new OST
LustreUpgrade Upgrade Lustre from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 (to be written)
The newest incarnation. See link below to review the details of building patchless kernel RPMs (doesn't require rebuilding RPMs for minor kernel updates on the servers):