50 recent changes in AGLT2/VMWare Web retrieved at 00:34 (GMT)

ESXi Patches This page describes how to patch the ESXi hosts Installing patches For each host you want to update, do the following steps: 1 Click on the host...
Dell Management How to update firmware 1 Move all running VMs to the host you are not going to update 1 Click on the datacenter (bps 1221 in MSU's case) an...
VMWare Subweb * MSUProject * VMWareHardware * VMwareCLI Using command line tools * HostProfiles Using host profiles for managing the ESXi hosts * V...
vSphere Replication Appliance The vSphere Replication Appliance can be used to maintain a copy of a VM. At AGLT2 we will use it to keep copies of VMs from UM at M...
vSphere 5.5 update notes Update path Recommended path: UM vCenter update (It hosts SSO) MSU vCenter update MSU/UM esxi host update UM vCenter update The first a...
Notes on Applying the vSphere 5.1a Update Applied the vSphere 5.1 update to the ESXi hosts and vCenter server. In theory, this is relatively straight forward pro...
Moving msu vcenter to aglt2.org msu vcenter was initially configured to run on the internal network. After some discussion with Shawn, it was decided that it woul...
VMware CLI VMware offers a wide range of management tools, with over lapping capabilities. ESXi v5 includes a pretty useful shell on the actual VM host. VMware al...
Some quick tests using SysBench. Some tests using dd. Main.TomRockwell 15 Mar 2012
* PowerVaultManagement * MD3220Testing Documentation * Dell MD3220 Main.TomRockwell 15 Mar 2012
SysBench Tarball Install Get it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/sysbench/ Have 0.4.12, to build, in unpacked source directory: yum install libtool libtooliz...
PowerVault Management Dell calls this software "PowerVault Modular Disk Storage Manager". It is used to manage the PowerVault shelves that have internal RAID cont...
* DellPowerVault Main.TomRockwell 15 Mar 2012
AGLT2/VMWare Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * se...
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Foswiki's AGLT2/VMWare web
Number of topics: 25

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Topic revision: r1 - 15 Mar 2012, TomRockwell
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